Weilin Ruan






About Me

My name is Weilin RUAN. Here is my Resume in English.

Currently I have been offered an Mphil place at HKUST-GZ through RBCC, and I am very honored to enroll in 24fall and join Prof. Liang’s research group for my research work.

[Highlight] Now I am looking for research partners. If interested in my research direction, please feel free to contact me!

Academic Background

  • Sep 2020 - June 2024: Jinan University - CS Department - Network Engineering
  • Sep 2024 - June 2026:HKUST(gz) - DSA Mphil

Research Interests

  • Spatio-Temporal Data Mining
  • Computer Vision
  • LLM-Agents
  • Graph Learning

News and Updates

  • June 2024: As an outstanding graduate of the department of Information Science and Technology, receive the undergraduate certificate from Jinan University.

  • July 2023:Participated in the RBCC offline held in HKUST(GZ) and achieved outstanding camper.
  • Aug 2023: Joined the team CityMind as an INTERN led by Prof. Yuxuan Liang.
  • Oct 2023: Passed IELTS with 6.5 (6.5 8.0 6.0 6.0).
  • Nov 2023: Updated my scholarships and honors……

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